As it stands betting profits in the UK are tax free, and the same rules apply to matched betting. There is an argument that if you earn your living from gambling, then you should pay tax on it. As far as we are aware, this is an ongoing dispute.
Matched Betting Is Tax Free
It is almost an irrelevant dispute unless you are earning a living, so the answer is that matched betting is tax free.
If you have a tenner on a horse and it wins, you don’t put it on a tax return. And as your winnings (or earnings as we prefer to call them, as we are not gambling) come from a bookmakers or a betting exchange, it is only fair to treat all money made in exactly the same way you would, if you had won it on a horse in the Grand National.
Best Matched Betting Sites
Below we have put together a list of all the recommended matched betting sites that do most of the hard work for you.
By using one of the following subscription services, you will get full support and effectively have someone holding your hand throughout the whole process of matched betting.
– Oddsmonkey has a free trial where they show you how to cash in free bets that will make you up to £45.00 in risk free profits.
– Once you have done that, you then have the option to carry on, or cancel your order. There are two different payment options, monthly at £17.99, or annually at £150.00.
– Both options come with 30 day money back guarantee.
Profit Accumulator
– Profit Accumulator also gives you a free trial showing you how to cash in free bets that will make you up to £45.00 in risk free profits.
– Like above, there are two subscription offers. You can purchase monthly at £17.99, or annually at £150.00.
– Both subscription offers come with a 30 day money back guarantee.
Profit Maximiser
– Profit Maximiser differs from the two above in terms of subscription offers.
– You can try out this service in full for 14 days at just £1.20, followed by the remaining £115.20 for 1 years access, the cheapest 12 month subscription service.
– You can also purchase outright at £116.40 for 12 months, and get their 30 day money back guarantee.
– Arguably the most flexible when it comes to purchasing options.
– A 14 day trial is available for just £1.00, and thereafter you can either purchase monthly at £15.00, or annually at £149.00.
– The guys at matchedbets seem to be taking the best parts of the offers from their 3 main rivals above, and covering all bases to give you better purchasing options.
Bonus Bagging
– The best system if you are nervous about matched betting, or just starting out.
– You can try out Bonus Bagging for just £1.20 for 7 days under the terms of their trial, this will be followed up by a further one off payment of £31.20, which completes the payment in full.
– The service also comes with a massive 60 day money back guarantee.
Matched Betting
You may have heard, read or seen the term matched betting, and wondered exactly what it is?
The short and simple answer is that matched betting is a simple technique of extracting cash in a risk free way from free bets and bookmaker’s bonuses.
Matched betting is totally legal, and it is easy to do. You are simply placing a series of bets in a particular order. At the end of the process you will have made risk free money. It’s a simple as that.

Here at we will give you all the advice you need to make risk free money from matched betting. We will show you examples of matched betting, walk you through the process, and give you advice on the best matched betting sites who will do it all for you.
Matched betting is here to stay. Why, you may ask? The answer is because the bookmakers will continue to offer us free bets. Meaning while they are doing that, we can continue to profit from matched betting.